How to measure the quality of rectifier bridge reactor

时间:2023-08-11 17:04:28来源:本站

To measure the quality of the rectifier bridge pile, you can take the following steps:

1. Disconnect the rectifier bridge stack from the power supply: First, ensure that the rectifier bridge stack is disconnected from the power supply to ensure safe operation.

2. Manual trigger input signal: manually trigger the input signal through an external power supply or signal source, which can be a sine wave, a square wave or a pulse signal.

3. Monitoring the output waveform: Monitor the output waveform of the rectifier bridge stack with an oscilloscope or a multi-purpose ammeter. Under normal circumstances, the output of rectifier bridge stack should be pulse or DC signal.

4. Check the output voltage: use a voltmeter or multimeter to measure the output voltage of the rectifier bridge stack. The output voltage should meet the design requirements, usually the specified DC voltage.

5. Check the output current: use an ammeter or multimeter to measure the output current of the rectifier bridge stack. The output current should match the design requirements, and there should be no abnormal deviation or fluctuation.

6. Observe the fever: Observe whether there is excessive fever in the rectifier bridge reactor during work. Excessive heating may mean that there is a problem with the internal components of the stack or the cooling system

7. Check the connection: Check the connection of the rectifier bridge stack to ensure that the plug, wiring and other parts are not loose or have poor contact.

Please note that when measuring the rectifier bridge pile, you should follow the safety operation rules and try to be operated by professionals to ensure safety and accuracy.